
Monday, March 7, 2011

Wisconsin uprising: Let's meet at the border

Senator Mark Miller: "In a democracy, we negotiate." 

Wisconsin state senator Mark Miller, The Democratic state leader in Wisconsin, has written a letter to Gov. Scott Walker asking him to hold a meeting to resolve differences regarding his controversial proposed budget. he wants to mett with Walker at a neutral site along the Wisconsin-Illinois border.

I write today to offer to meet, in person, as soon as possible to resume discussions on how we reach a bipartisan solution to our differences on January 2011 Special Session Senate and Assembly Bill 11. 

The working people of Wisconsin are deeply concerned about what the future holds for their families and for the great state they call home. Now more than ever they are counting on us as leaders to work together to resolve our difference to move our state forward.

Since the bill's introduction public workers have come forward to offer economic concessions and democrats have offered a number of proposals to try to reach a bipartisan resolution.

I assure you that Democratic State Senators despite our differences and the vigorous debate we have had, remain ready and willing to find a reasonable compromise. To that end, I would ask that you or your authorized representatives agree to seem with us near the Wisconsin-Illinois border to formally resume serious discussions as soon as possible.

source: Huffington Post

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