
Monday, March 21, 2011

WIN: UAW President says union and non-union workers are under attack


That booing sound is being made by a few hundred United Auto Workers as Michigan Governor Rick Snyder takes the stage at a Ford Focus assembly plant in Michigan on Thursday.

The workers, many wearing red in solidarity with Wisconsin public sector workers, are upset with a bill signed into law by Snyder that give state appointed emergency financial managers the power to void collective bargaining contracts.

Snyder signed the bill in Lansing on Wednesday as thousands of Michiganders gathered outside to protest. At the rally was UAW President Bob King. He said the attacks are across the board – union and non-union:

Snyder: This is the kind of community you believe in and I believe in. It's people who care about one another, people who know we are our sisters and brothers keepers. SO I want to thank all of you for caring about the community good. And let me clear, this is one day in a long battle. We're going to be in this battle until 2012 and possibly beyond.

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