
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Video of second two speakers from the rally in North Pinellas County, 03/15/2011

LTC Karl Brandt explained that we should be shoring up government, not dismantling it. He cited the Japan disaster and an example.

Colonel Brandt was a Vietnam combat veteran and fighter pilot.

Mark Hanisee used to be a Republican until he found out what the Florida GOP was up to six or seven years ago. A Republican named Norman Roach had spoken at an earlier event but did not make it this rally.

Hanisee is the chairman of the Pinellas County Democratic Party.

The rally was a bi-partisan event.

The video was shot with a Flip HD Ultra video camera.  Rightardia edited the video on Ubuntu Linux 10.10 using the Avidemux 2.5.3 multi-platform video editor. 

We had tried the basic Pitivi video editor and the more robust KDEnlive, but could not produce a video clip that was legible on You Tube. 

The videos can be played in HD 720P mode once the video starts. 

Avidemux saved the day.

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