
Saturday, March 12, 2011

NMA: Peter King’s Muslim hearings irk Islamic communities

March 10, 2011 6:42 pm

Republican NY Congressman Peter King will open a hearing on Thursday that will investigate the so-called ‘radicalization’ of Muslims in America.

King suspects Al-Qaeda is recruiting terrorists within the US, and that Muslim citizens aren’t doing enough to report extremist behavior in their communities.
Though the threat of homegrown terrorism is real, critics feel King is unfairly vilifying Muslims, equating his hearings to modern-day McCarthyism.

The issue is even drawing attention among celebs. Kim Kardashian took to Twitter over the weekend to support protesters in Times Square.

But King still stands by his message, suggesting it doesn’t make sense to look for Islamic extremists any place else besides the Islamic community.

King should look at the evangelical community, too. Evangelicals have killed doctor's and blown up planned parenthood clinic for many years.

The right wing militia movements should also be scrutinized by his panel.

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