
Friday, March 11, 2011

National unemployment improves, Florida worsens

On the House floor, NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions kept repeating the bogus claim that health insurance reform would cost 800,000 private sector jobs.

Representative Rob Andrews challenged Chairman Sessions on his false talking point to answer how many jobs have really been lost since the passage of health insurance reform.

Chairman Sessions could not answer, because the answer is “zero.”

Representative Rob Andrews: The health care law was signed into law almost a year ago. And I wonder if anyone on the majority side could tell us how many jobs the economy has lost in that year. I’d be happy to yield. [Pause] Well seeing no answer the record – I’d be happy to yield to my friend. How many jobs has the economy lost since the health care bill was signed into law?

NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions: You know, you asked if somebody who knew the answer would stand up. I don’t know the answer. But what I will tell you is that we will have the taxation start and yet the plan kicks in in 2014 so massive taxation will start and then we’ll find out what happens.

Representative Andrews: Reclaiming my time, the answer is that the economy has added over one million private sector jobs since the health care law was signed into effect. [CSPAN, 3/9/11]

What Pete Sessions doesn’t know is that the economy has actually added over one million private sector jobs and the unemployment figure has dropped from 9.7 to 8.9 percent since health insurance reform was passed. 

The situation in Florida has worsened 

Florida shed 16,700 more jobs last month, Florida not only lost more jobs than any other state, it exceeded the net loss of jobs for the rest of entire country that was 11,000 jobs.

Florida's unemployment rate is at  a 34-year high of 11.5 percent, up from a revised 11.3 percent in October.

The state rate is now 1.5 percentage points higher than the national unemployment rate.

The Tampa Bay area's jobless rate jumped half a percentage point to 12.3 percent, making it the most job-challenged major metropolitan area in Florida.

This is not an auspicious start for grifter Governor Rick Scott who promised to create 700,000 new jobs in his recent campaign. 

What is Scott's latest solution for unemployment? Drop unemployment compensation form 26 weeks to 20 and lay-off 9500 state government workers.

See the complete story at

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