
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NMA: UK SAS unit captured in Libya

Don't forget to turn on closed captions if you can't see the English subtitles.

SAS is the renowned UK special forces.

March 7, 2011

According to NPR, six British SAS soldiers landed by helicopter at the dead of night in eastern Libya.

They were carrying passports from several countries, guns and explosives.

They were detained by rebels, but NMA says farmers captured them.

During two days of negotiations for their release, Britain's ambassador to Libya said they were there to "liaise" the opposition. But a lot of people aren't convinced by this version of events.

Rightardia believes if the SAS is in Libya, US Special Forces are there as well. The Libyan rebels are probably using Russian arms provided by the Egyptians who have a huge arsenal of Soviet-era weapons.

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