
Monday, March 7, 2011

Media Matters for America: The End is near for Glenn Beck on Fox news

March 07, 2011 5:43 am ET by Media Matters staff

In a March 6 article, The New York Times' David Carr reported that Fox News officials are "contemplating life without" Glenn Beck.

Beck's contract expires in December. Carr further reported that since last August, Beck has "lost over a third of his audience on Fox -- a greater percentage drop than other hosts at Fox."

From the Carr's article:

Mr. Beck, a conservative Jeremiah and talk-radio phenomenon, burst into television prominence in 2009 by taking the forsaken 5 p.m. slot on Fox News and turning it into a juggernaut.

A conjurer of conspiracies who spotted sedition everywhere he looked, Mr. Beck struck a big chord and ended up on the cover of Time magazine and The New York Times Magazine . . .

He achieved unheard-of ratings, swamped the competition and at times seemed to threaten the dominion of Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity at Fox.

But a funny thing happened on the way from the revolution. Since last August, when he summoned more than 100,000 followers to the Washington mall for the "Restoring Honor" rally, Mr. Beck has lost over a third of his audience on Fox -- a greater percentage drop than other hosts at Fox . . .

He still has numbers that just about any cable news host would envy and, with about two million viewers a night, outdraws all his competition combined.

But the erosion is significant enough that Fox News officials are willing to say -- anonymously, of course; they don't want to be identified as criticizing the talent -- that they are looking at the end of his contract in December and contemplating life without Mr. Beck.

Beck lost more than his viewers . He lost more than 300 of his advertisers after a boycott on the part of a black activist group.

Many Fox news advertisers would not allow their spots to run during his time slots. Chris Piascik put together this terrific graphic of many of Glenn Beck’s lost advertisers:


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