
Saturday, March 19, 2011 Yes, this is class warfare

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Republicans pitted the Middle Class against the poor with it talk about welfare queens, cheats and food stamp fraud.

Now the GOP is trying to pit the corporate middle class against the government middle class.

Factcheck pointed out that government workers have three times the education of corporate workers. In some states government workers are paid more than corporate workers, in some states less.

The chances of getting a pension from a corporation are slim. Many do not offer pensions and in most cases it is almost impossible to work for the same corporation for thirty years. Only one in five Americans retires with a pension, making Social Security an essential program.

Should the middle class be fighting amongst itself? That is what the billionaires like the Koch brothers want.

Instead we should be taxing millionaires and billionaires at the 50 per cent level for income tax and capital gains and restoring the Estate Tax to where it was before GW Bush suspended it. 

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