
Friday, March 11, 2011

Huck and Konopacki labor Cartoons

The Koch Brother are master of class warfare.  Let's get the miidle calls up in arms about out neighbours who may be weathering the storm a bit better than people who never joined a union or applied for a government job.

Did any of these teacher, fire fighters, police or union workers have any idea where they would now be 30 or 40 years ago.

The major's ex-wife was absolutely convinced that private entrprise  was superior to government work and that the Major should resign form the Armed Services and get a private sector job.

The Major stayed in service and got a divorce. His ex wife was not terribly successful after she moved on and she and her next husband ended up in a nasty divorce very late in life.

How can predict the future. This story could have had a very different ending.

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