
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Email from an Austolopithecus

 Email from a Rightard

We initially allowed anonymous comments on our we site until we started getting harassed by some Usenet trolls. We had to require logins with open ID. That got rid of most of the abusive posts and Spam. 

The typical post we see form rightards is predictable: You are an idiot, you lack common sense, you are a communist or a socialist and you need to move to China or Russia.  

You will notice as the email below continues,  James Taylor's typos increase. Taylor confuses clear thought with progressive ideology. Rightardia italicized Taylor's typos.

We would guess Taylor is a recent "for profit" college graduate who didn't do well in English.

Here is an exchange we had last night.
fromJames Taylor
dateTue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:37 PM
Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

You need to move to communist china. I have been there and If it is Americas future we are doomed. America doesnt want to be communist you progressive idiot get over it. You lie a great deal on your website, you should be ashamed.


 to James  
12:27 AM 

Well, at least you identified yourself. You should move to Somalia. No taxes and you can buy all of the guns you will ever need.

You say Rightaria lies, but offer no examples of this. We use data from government web sites, Wikipedia and major news outlets. We don't intentionally lie.

Most of our readers are 45 plus and have attended graduate school. Go to and check out demographics if you know what demographics are.

My guess would be that you are undereducated and misinformed. Perhaps when you are older you will understand our viewpoint.

We have never advocated communism or socialism on our site. We are anti-fascist and anti-corporatist. China is a very different country from the US. It is a model for the third world, not the US.

You have a lot of strong opinions, but few facts behind them.


 to me

You blame american Guns for the situation in mexico, when my guess is you have never been there or operated in the area. Let me educate you, since with all your degrees your still not very bright. THe weapons they are getting are mostly coming from nations like venazula, with chavez in power and haveing the machining tools too build them. He is making a great deal of money, the last batch of M16s found there were left in vietnam over 40 yrs ago. They are finding AK-47s with no serial numbers, as well as hand grenades, grenade launchers, 40mm grenades to be shot out of those launchers, as well as LAW Rockets. We are seeing fully automatic weapons that are not sold here in the U.S. as well. The info on your website suggests that romainian Aks are being found by the truckload there, it isnt true we found a great number of those same guns in Iraq, the U.S. didnt bring them in. What amazes me with all your education is that you dont bring up the fact we have an unsecured border, use your head if we cant stop drugs, how do you think you will stop guns?
Its amazing you have degrees but no common sense. You are leftist progressives who thinks you have it figured out and want to change America. I am educated to let you know, I have a backround in Intelligence, and have served in the militry facing the same kinds of insurgencys that Mexico is dealing with.
Next time write an artical about the fact obama refuses to secure or border, he refuses to secure our ports, and he is refusing any type of legislation to remove dangerous illegals from our streets.
The educated people with college degrees do not suprise me for the fact that progressive ideoligy is taught in our colleges. So the degrees mean nothing, I have an associates so dont get all upset. I left school simply because of this ideolegy. There is light at the end of the tunnel however, I am getting into politics slowly but surely and will be there to stop you leftists from taking over.
Vote for me.

Middle Class Warrior

 to James

You are all wet. Hugo Chavez is not exporting guns to the Mexican drug cartel. A US citizen was recently convicted or fencing some of the the guns. This issue has been going on since  Bush was prez. The Mexican government says most of the guns are coming from the US.

Why smuggle them when you can get what you need in the US with its lax gun laws?

Common sense is not a rare commodity, uncommon sense is. BTW I went to college probably years before you were born. I was initially conservative , but I grew out of it.

The US produces more than half of the world's arms. We are the cause of a lot of international violence and have been since World War 2. BTW I am a former Air Force intelligence officer. I probably served in the Armed Forces for many years longer than you did.

Why didn't Bush secure or border and ports?

You may be confusing the educated reality of the way the world really is with what you perceive as progressive ideology. College professors insist that you learn to think and reason, something you need to work on.

You have naive views on politics. The Democratic party took over because Bush was a failure.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:37 PM, James Taylor <> wrote:
You need to move to communist china. I have been there and If it is Americas future we are doomed. America doesnt want to be communist you progressive idiot get over it. You lie a great deal on your website, you should be ashamed.

Middle Class Warrior

 to James
4:22 AM 

Opinions are like ass holes. Everyone has one. We will just have to agree to disagree.

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Anonymous said...

Hi just thought Id leave my comment, you lied to me and told me you were in Air force intell Im pulling up your backround right now and I dont see any military experience. Its funny you would lie about that to someone your in an argument with, are you ashmed? I would be if i were you, not only are you a left wing tard you are a liar too.

Unknown said...

If you think I am going to give you more information, you are mistaken. I know who I am and I have a good idea who you are.

If you had spent any-time on this blog you would know that I don't have to fabricate my background.

Go to sleep and bug someone else.