
Friday, March 11, 2011

Media Matters for America: Fox News Lies

Democrats  know Fox News isn't journalism -- it's a political operation. And nowhere has it been clearer than in its misleading coverage of the large-scale protests in support of public employee rights in Wisconsin, Ohio, and other states.

Here at Media Matters for America, we've kept a close eye on how the right-wing media, especially Fox News, have presented their audience with misinformation about teachers and other public servants and why these protests are happening.

On issues ranging from public worker pay to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's campaign promises, Fox has been feeding its audience a false story about these important policy debates.

It has promoted right-wing talking points about state budgets and buried on-air guests' political careers to present them as simply "concerned parents."

It's even stretching the truth to smear the large, peaceful crowds in Madison as "violent" and an "angry mob."

We have a new video compiling some of our research on these repeated falsehoods that you can watch here. When the protesters chant "Fox lies," they're right.

The distortions and deceit on Fox are more in line with a full-time political spin operation than a self-described "fair and balanced" news source. We need your support to continue the important work of countering Fox's around-the-clock lies and distortions.

Teachers and the unions that represent them aren't the only targets of Fox News' activist attacks.

On issues like health care, net neutrality, and reproductive rights, Fox has injected falsehoods, myths, and political spin into the debate. We need your help to keep up with its nonstop campaign and debunk the myths it promotes.

Please make a small donation to Media Matters for America. 

Media Matters for America donations are tax dedctable like a chruch donation.

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