
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Citizens United: Newt and Callista lecture America on morality

Uploaded by citizensunited07 on Dec 21, 2007

This film follows Speaker and Mrs. Gingrich on their "walking tour" through Washington, D.C.

At each stop of the walking tour we'll see evidence of God in America. From the National Archives and Capitol Building to Arlington National Cemetery and Library of Congress, the role of religion in our nation's founding is examined and explained.


Top You Tube comments;

jasonjbell 21 hours ago 9

Find evidence of God first before trying to find evidence of God in America.
progrockcoffee 18 hours ago 6

The Founders, did, indeed, believe in God, but they didn't all believe in organized religion. Many right wing organizations site the Declaration of Independence as a source for their religious agenda. 

Although the Declaration is an important historical document, it was written before the US became an independent nation.  There are no references to God, the Creator, Jesus or Christianity in the US Constitution. There is a reference o religion in the First Amendment also called the Establishment Clause. 

The First Amendment is the basis for the legal doctrine of separation of church and state. Rightardia scoffs at GOP lectures on morals and values because these are abstract terms that have limited meaning. 

Rightardia suggests that the GOP with its religious mantra is far more amoral than the Democratic party.

The Founders were deists, not theists. Pastor Huckabee would have been a more appropriate choice for this video. 

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