
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

China Daily: Obama names new US ambassador to China

 WASHINGTON - United States President Barack Obama will nominate Commerce Secretary Gary Locke as next US ambassador to China, two administration officials said on Monday.

Locke would replace the current ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who is stepping down on April 30 and is considering a run for president.

An official announcement on Locke is expected on Tuesday.

Locke, whose appointment would need confirmation by the US Senate. He became the first Chinese-American Commerce Secretary when he joined the Obama administration in 2009.

He is a former governor of Washington state.

Locke, who made a number of trips to China while he was governor of Washington, has remained active on that front as commerce secretary.

Last year, he led a group of nearly two dozen business executives on a mission to explore opportunities in China's fast-growing clean energy sector.

He has warned that the US risks being left behind as China plows billions of dollars into solar, wind and other green technologies.


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