
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Maine governor orders labor mural removed from Department of Labor

Artists and labor activists are present at a press conference to oppose the removal of a mural at the Maine Department. of Labor that depicts the history of the Maine labor movement.

The mural was ordered to be removed by Maine Gov. Paul LePage who want a more pro-business environment in the capital, Augusta.

We can understand why the governor would want this removed if it was in the governor's mansion or his office.

But in the Department of Labor?

You Tube comment: 

This act of censorship must be challenged. The mind that fears this representation of history is dangerous and completely unworthy of being the top executive of the state.

It is the same mind-set that burns books they don't agree with and locks up dissenters just because of their public views. It is dangerous, unconstitutional and can not stand.

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