
Monday, March 14, 2011

50 Ways to rile a Republican

  1. Mention Alan Grayson's name.
  2. Say the US is a secular nation according to Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli.
  3. Explain that the Founders were the first liberal elite in the US.
  4. Tell them that George W. Bush ranks in the bottom 10 per cent of presidents according to several surveys.
  5. Explain how Ronald Reagan fractured the Middle Class.
  6. Say that supply side economic is Trojan Horse designed to give tax breaks to the affluent.
  7. Quote the Mark Zandi's Moody Analytics study that food stamps and unemployment compensation are more stimulative to the economy than tax cuts.
  8. Explain how the the Bush Ownership Society caused the Great Recession which started in 2007.
  9. Say that Republicans were responsible for the Great Depression, too, because the depression was proceeded by three GOP presidents.
  10. Show that the public doesn't trust the GOP in a crises. We have always had Democratic presidents during World Wars.
  11. Quote FDR: That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group,”.
  12. Mention that one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was to eliminate trade unions.
  13. Point out that the Nazis were Christians. That's why they painted Teutonic crosses on their aircraft and tanks,
  14. Say that the top 400 Americans now have a combined income that is almost as much as the bottom 50 per cent of Americans.
  15. Ask why the Republicans changed the Estate Tax so it did not effect 40,000 US millionaires?
  16. Point out that Civil War was not caused by state's rights or slavery. The main issue was the expansion of the institution of slavery into new US territories.
  17. Mention that Ben Franklin said that light houses were more useful than churches,
  18. Explain that millionaires and billionaires who own stocks and bonds pay a smaller tax rate in capital gains than the average American pays for their income tax.
  19. Explain that flat and fair taxes are the fairest to millionaires and billionaires.
  20. Tell this joke. A working man voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders.
  21. Say that the biggest supporter of a Sarah Palin presidential run is the Democratic Party.
  22. Mention that GOP 212th Congress has an 18 per cent favorability rating.
  23. Ask if Mitt Romney is the first political cyborg.
  24. Ask a wingnut to explain Newt Gingrich's patriotic adultery.
  25. Ask a wingnut how Glen Beck lost 300 of his Fox News advertisers.
I need 25 more from the Rightardia viewers. Help!

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