
Thursday, February 24, 2011

FL attorney general wants to disenfranchise voters again

Here we go again. Make no mistake about this decision.  It is an attempt to disenfranchise black people who served their time. Before the 2000 elections, Jeb Bush disenfranchised nearly 100,000 voters.

The company that came up with the "purge" list has, under threat of suit from the NAACP, confessed that the total purge targeted 94,000 voters -- and only 3,000 may have been illegal voters who were felons.

This "scrub list" in Florida caused Al Gore to lose by "537" votes after GW Bush used the voting rights law in the Supreme court to pull out the victory.

Al Gore is to blame, too. He only actively campaigned in 17 states. Obama didn't make the same mistake. 

Most of the people on the list should have been legally allowed to vote. They were prevented from voting by Katherine Harris, former Florida Secretary of State, and Jeb Bush, to steer Florida into the GOP column.


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