
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shepard Smith, FOX News, Gov. Walker's fiscal crises is malarkey

Shepperd Smith  noted that the Democratic party could be in big trouble if their biggest donors, the unions, lose their power.  He summed it up as “bust the unions – it’s over.”

Shep pointed out that the “Koch brothers, among others, were organizing to try to bust labor – it’s what big business wants to do.”

Despite Shep claiming “I’m not taking a side on this, I’m telling you what’s going on,” Juan Williams warned Shep that

just by telling the facts, you’re angering a lot of people.
Shep’s broadcast gives some credence to  the Koch brothers component of Ed Schultz’s argument that the union showdown is part of a right wing “master plan.”

Shep adamantly declared “to pretend this is about a fiscal crisis in the state of Wisconsin is malarkey."

Rightardia agrees. The GOP did well in the 2010 election cycle  on the heals of the Citizen's United ruling. You would think they would rest on their laurels, but the GOP county clubbers conspired to take out the benign public unions, which are all but the remnants of a robust US labor movement after World War 2.

In Florida the GOP has been attacking the feckless Teachers Union, which cannot strike, for at least five years. Wages have been frozen and lay-offs have been occuring. Grifter-governor Rick Scott plans to layoff 9500 state workers and Rightardia would expect a least half to be teachers.

However, Scott will have to address a class size amendment that kicks in this year that is an amendment to the state constitution. Scoot wants to offer more vouchers so pulic school studnets can go to private schools, but he is likely to run into some constitional issues.
US corporations have already destroyed most of the private unions. Only about seven per cent of American workers in private enterprise are in unions. 

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