It's Sharia, "The Way,"or the highway for Republicans and their new abortion law.
After a huge public outcry, Republicans are back-pedaling from an outrageous attempt to redefine rape.
But the attacks on women's health continue. The latest is a bill that would allow hospitals to let a pregnant woman die rather than perform a life-saving abortion.2
It's absolutely horrifying. "This is really out there," said NARAL's Donna Crane. "It is truly a "position that a woman should die at the entrance of a hospital that refuses to provide abortion care necessary to save her life."
There's more. Another bill would effectively prevent women from using their own money to purchase insurance that includes abortion coverage in the new insurance exchanges.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney called this bill "the deepest attack on a woman's right to choose in my lifetime." Expert Jessica Arons said it would "accomplish the unstated end of making abortion as difficult to obtain as possible without actually criminalizing it."
These bills are a full-throated attack on women's reproductive freedoms. As noted above, one bill would allow hospitals to deny a woman a life-saving abortion—a major change from current law. Another bill would:
- Effectively ban abortion coverage in the new health insurance exchanges even if people pay for coverage with their own money.
- Impose tax penalties on small businesses that pay for health plans that cover abortion and people who pay for abortion care.
- Force the District of Columbia to impose all of the above laws, instead of letting the city decide its own laws.
- Permanently ban any federal spending on abortion care.
Sign the petition below telling Congress to oppose these attacks on women's right to choose! The petition says: "Stop the GOP war on women's health. Letting a pregnant woman die on the hospital steps is reprehensible. This and all attempts to erode a woman's right to choose must stop."
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