Bill O'Reilly thinks the tides proove that God exists. of course, most middle schoolers know the moon cases the tides.
O'Reilly then claims Mars doesn't have a moon, but it actually has two.
if O'Reilly knew more about science he would know the the Earth's moon is quite large for the size of the earth and without it, the Earth would have terrible, erratic weather because it would spin faster. This would also cause a shorter day.
O'Reilly then claims science doesn't have an explanation for the moon, but science does and many simulations on super computers have been run to explain it.
We know that the moon is younger than the earth from the moon rocks scientists have examined from the Lunar mission.
Sceintists believe a Mars-sized object struck the Earth wih a glancing blow billions of years ago creating a debris field ring around the earth. The blow also remelted the Earth's crust.
This debris eventually coalesced into the moon.
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