
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Franklin Graham didn't see God at the University of Arizona

Franklin Graham penned an editorial in the Washington Times suggesting  it was “a shame” that the University of Arizona had failed to put God in its program.

Rightardia saw the event and Graham is full of it. The Urantian Sojourn noticed that little attention had been given to the Yaqui Indian Professor who offered the opening prayer and invocation, Dr. Carlos Gonzales.
 Dr. Carlos Gonzales

The Gonzalez invocation was very spiritual and moving. One line that Gonzlaez said:

Each of us has a piece of the creator.

Yes, the invocation refereed to the Creator, not God. Gonzalez used that term innumerable times.

Graham is apparently unable to realize that God and the Creator are the same.

“How sad,” the Graham in his editorial:

Father Sky and Mother Earth can do nothing to comfort Capt. Mark Kelly, who had been at the bedside of his wife, Rep. Giffords, wondering if she'd ever leave her bed. Or Mary Stoddard, who was only alive because her husband sacrificed his life by shielding her with his body. 

Or the family, classmates, teammates and friends of little Christina, whose life was snuffed out before she could play another season of Little League.

Graham added, "Why did they leave him out? They scoff at the name of Jesus Christ."

Franklin appears to be intolerant of other religious viewpoints: it's either God and Jesus or the highway.

Franklin implies God and Jesus could have comforted the families of the victims.

Well, if that were the case, why wouldn't a benevolent God or Jesus have prevented the deaths of innocents and the attack on Gabrielle Giffords in the first place?

We know the standard Christian answer to that question, too: "God is strange."

source: and NewsMax

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