
Friday, December 10, 2010

Sarah Palin's conservative family values

Rightardia saw Palin last night on national TV. she was being interviewed and immediately started complaining about the Katie Couric interview that she fumbled badly during the 2008 election.

She then proceeded to tell the interviewer, who appeared to be Leslie Stahl, that she reads the Wall street Journal and NewsMax. So two years after the Couric interview, she can finally name magazines that she reads. Well done, Sarah!

Then Rightardia saw something we had never seen before. Her husband, Todd, was allowed to speak. Todd mumbled something uneventful and forgettable, and sat down.

Sarah then started talking about "family values." In Democratic circles, any discussion about family values, brings a big grin because the term is very abstract to the point of being meaningless.

Family values did no resonate well for the GOP during the Terry Schiavo debacle. The GOP family value stereotype seems to be a white middle calls hetero-family with a boy and girl. Of course, this family goes to church every week.

There aren't any gays or lesbians in this family, everyone is healthy so they don't need health insurance and, of course, there are no minorities either. All of the family members have concealed weapons permits and pack guns.

It's a real right wing "gangsta" family.

It is easy to see why Sarah Palin appeals to conservatives. With all of her frontier hunting and fishing, she represents the 19th century, an  era conservatives yearn for. As Marshall McLuhan has noted, many Americans think the US is the bygone America they perceive through the rear view mirror.

What are Sarah Palin's Family values? Rightardia can think of a few:
  1. Hammer a halibut for profit.
  2. Rifle Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer to make Alaskan chile
  3. Waste a wolf and brutalize a bear from the air
  4. Pilfer a national park like the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge so you can "drill,baby, drill!"
  5. Pimp for a Palin on "Dancing with he Stars!"
Yep, Republican family values are a hoot. Especially in the Palin fame whore family.

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