
Saturday, December 11, 2010

RT : Alyona show, Operation Payback

Yesterday The Alyona Show interviewed a “representative” for Operation Payback. He was not an official spokesperson, because no one is in charge of Anonymous or Operation Payback.

They are a loose collection of concerned beings that are fighting as they say for the Freedom of Information. Since my world has been consumed for the last few days with WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Operation Payback I thought I should say a few worlds.

For me the verdict is still out about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, so I won’t make a strong statement about them quite yet. What I do want to talk about however is Operation Payback. . . 

What we have seen over the last few days with Operation Payback is that people will no longer stand to be held hostage by information.

For too long the governments of the world have held all the cards. People in and out of the US have become weary of the government because of their over classification and uncalled for secrecy time and time again.

WikiLeaks was like a match being touched to an oil slick, and no matter how hard anyone tries to take back what has happened they can’t. Eyes have been opened, the veil lifted.

Operation Payback and their success is evidence of that. When I was in school we learned that in America the power was meant to reside with the people. That has not been the case for quite some time. . .

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