
Monday, December 13, 2010

Rightardia editorial: John Boehner chases the American dream on 60 minutes

John Boehner said on 60 Minutes:

There's just some things that trigger real emotions. I was trying to talk about the fact that I've been chasing the American Dream my whole career.

Boehner started to tear up again. The future Speaker had trouble speaking during several points in the interview:

The good old days when blacks knew their place and couldn't vote

I don't take myself very seriously, but I take what I do very seriously. Making sure that these kids have a shot at the American Dream like I did is important.

The problem is that the American dream Republicans have is firmly rooted in the 19th Century. It is the concept of the captains of industry running the economy and the government which is essentially the definition of fascism.

The right wing yearns for the era of company towns and factories that could employ a young person until they were old enough to retire. This was an era when one person could earn enough to take care of his family and the spouse did not have to work. 

Ronald Reagan destroyed that dream in the 1980s. The Reagan tax cuts forced spouses into the job market to make ends meet.

This is one of the reason that schools stared declining. The stay at home spouse, usually a female, no longer devoted her day to getting the kids to school and helping them with school work. The kids were now on their own. This created anomie and discipline problems in the classroom.

The Republican dream is that anyone who wants to become a millionaire, can.  But the reality is that only two per cent of Americans become millionaires. Rightardia even published s a Rasmuusen poll poll that indicated only 26 per cent of  American s believe that hard work will make you rich. 

The immigrants didn't cross the Rio Grande back then

What happened to the 19th century American dream? Essentially the captains of industry and the GOP drove the the US into the Great Depression. 

Much of the boom time that followed World War 1 was due to the payback of war debts by the European nations. it wasn't until about 1913 that the US was no longer a debtor nation. Of interest, in 1985, the US became a debtor nation again.

Rightardia suspect supply side economics had something to do with our resumed debtor status as well as the years of war following World War 2 that pushed up the deficit. 

The GOP thinks perpetual war is good for the economy

Some economists believe that more than 90 per cent of the deficit was caused by US foreign misadventures. 

Iraq and Afghanistan are the latest examples.  These wars will eventually  steal $3 trillion from the US economy. Some people wonder why the US infrastructure is crumbling!

Today the top 20 per cent of Americans pull in 50 per cent of the annual national income. This is worse than before the Great Depression. 

Can Rep.Boehner really say with a straight face that America's youth will have the same opportunities he did when he was a young man?

Rightardia doesn't think so.


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