
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dangerous Intersection: Activism is better than blogging

Erich Vieth | December 21, 2010

Several years ago, my neighbor Tony and I were talking about a social issue. Tony is a good thoughtful man, and the conversation turned rather intense. In the middle of the conversation, I blurted out something like “I’m really concerned about that issue.”

Tony shot back,” No, you are not concerned. If you were, you be doing something about it.”

He caught me flat-footed, and his words have haunted me ever since. I think Tony was right. If we care about something, we should be doing something about it, or at least trying to do something about it. Further, blogging about a problem is quite often not doing too terribly much about that problem.

Rightrdia agrees. we are political web site and we are also involved with Democratic activism. We contribute money to Democratic Party organizations and We support the political campaigns of Democrats and make calls for candidates. We also write letters to our congressman and Senator.

Simply bitching about the problem does little. Becoming a political activist is the only way to change America for the better.

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