
Monday, October 18, 2010

WIN: Republican Candidates attack the Minimum Wage

Submitted by Jesse Russell on October 17, 2010 - 6:31pm

Is anyone surprised that the red states have weak minimum wage laws?

(Workers Independent News
)--A number of Republicans have gone where few Republicans have gone in previous elections – attacking the minimum wage.

The most recent Republican to address issues with the minimum wage is John Raese of West Virginia. Raese recently said if given the opportunity he would seek to abolish the minimum wage, because it restricts how much people could actually get paid if the country adhered to supply and demand.

In a debate on Wednesday for Virginia’s District 1 House of Representatives seat incumbent Rob Wittman stated publicly for the first time that he opposed the federal minimum wage and believes such wages should be left up to the states.

His Democratic opponent Krystal Ball told the Virginia Gazette that she supports the federal minimum wage, because even with a minimum people can barely get by.

Alaska Senatorial candidate Joe Miller went even further, suggesting that the minimum wage is unconstitutional. Miller’s position is contrary to the Supreme Court’s 1941 ruling in US vs. Darby Lumber Company that found that the Fair Labor Standards Act was constitutional. The federal minimum wage was established under that act.

US labor law are weak and the Fair Labor Standards Act is minimalist. Fundamentally, it requires employers to pay workers for regular time and overtime. It is silent on holidays, vacations, and corporate pensions. Anyone who attacks the Fair Labor Standards Act holds extreme views.

Generally, when a Republican president is elected, the administration has refused to uphold the act and turned a deaf ear to labor laws in the US.
This is why mine disasters like the Massey Energy disaster in West Virginia occur.
The energy industry ignores many federal mine safety laws because it affects profits.

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