
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Senatorial candidate Linda McMahon: WWE has a right to make women ‘bark like a dog’

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

By David Edwards

Speaking to ABC's Christiane Amanpour, Lind McMahon wouldn't condemn an act in which her husband ordered a woman to "bark like a dog."

Asked if, as a senator, she would campaign against that sort of  corporate behavior toward women, McMahon responded, "I do believe in the First Amendment rights."

Apparently McMahon believes in the First amendment rights of her corporation, the WWE. 


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libhom said...

Linda McMahon's WWE put simulated sex with the dead on TV. The guy who was in that scene is now her son in law. She has no shame.

Unknown said...

She's a Republican: anything for a buck works for her.