
Friday, October 22, 2010

Mediaite: TYT's Cenk Uygur Joining MSNBC As Contributor

by Glenn Davis | 10:47 pm, October 21st, 2010

Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks got a chance to guest host MSNBC’s flagship prime time program, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, on Tuesday.

While the ratings weren’t stellar, the higher-ups at the network were, as MSNBC announced today that Uygur is joining the fold as a contributor and substitute anchor.

Uygur told FishbowlLA that his role will be that of “a sixth man coming off the bench” for any one of various shows on the network.

Network president Phil Griffin praised Uygur in MSNBC’s statement:

Cenk’s fresh perspective and his passion for politics make him a great addition to the MSNBC team. He’s developed a big following on MSNBC and we welcome him to this new role.

Rightardia admires
Cenk Uygur and The Young Turks. Cenk is an attorney and he needs to be less wordy as a broadcaster. We could could not use a lot of great TYT videos because they were too long. Rightardia prefers video no longer than two minutes.

Most progressives are highly educated and tend to be 'preachy and teachy.' That is one of the mistakes that Keith Olbermann makes. He is naturally funny but he needs to knock of the long intellectual monologues that will be over many people's heads.

An effective journalist needs to "keep it simple, stupid!"

news understand this. MSNBC may not. Good luck, Cenk!


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