
Saturday, October 16, 2010

John Stossel: "government should end at keeping the peace, and enforcing contracts and property rights"

From the October 15 edition of Fox News' The Battle for the Future:

Stossel: The "takers" are "mad that some people are rich" and will "suck the life out of America"

Stossel says he feels "more threatened by our own constantly growing government" than terrorists.

This is standard right wing clap track that the Founding Father developed a constitutional system 200 years ago that we need to return to. Historians would say the GOP suffers from 'present mindedness: that you cannot judge the past with the modern perceptions of the world we have today. Most historians would say that colonial America is very different from the US today.

Stossel interviews Athur Laffer , one of the men who is greatly responsible for the decline of the middle class with is supply side Reagan-nomics. He also interviews Paul Ryan, a hard right ideologue.

We had eight years of this with George W. Bush and it didn't work. In the past 30 years, we have 20 years of conservatism, eight years of Clinton moderation and now two years of Barack Obama. The affluent , in fact, have sucked the life out of the middle class with the flattening of taxes and suspension of the estate tax. The top 20 per cent of Americans now take 50 per cent of the income and the distribution of wealth is far worse.

The GOP wants the government run by white affluent oligarchs and corporatists that the GOP represents. if you look at the big picture, if conservatism worked, the US would not be struggling this hard. The Great Recession started in 2006, not on Obama's watch.

Republicans have proven they can win elections, but not that they can govern effectively. If the GOP takes the House, the economic recovery will slow.

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