
Sunday, October 17, 2010

HYSTERICAL RAISINS: Fox New raises money on the air for the GOP


Glenn Beck, responding to the White House’s request that anonymous donors to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s campaign efforts be disclosed, has gone all in in his defense of the group. On his radio show and online, Beck solicited contributions for the Chamber, declaring them “our parents, our grandparents — they are us.”

On his radio show, Beck said “I would like to make this the biggest fundraising day in the Chamber’s history” and told his employees to promote the Chamber on and his news site,, and “get somebody on the phone” from the group. Beck asked his callers to donate “if you are as sick as I am of this lot” (referring to President Obama), and said that the Obama administration “hates” the Chamber as much “as I hate Woodrow Wilson.”

The UN Chamber of Commerce is not “our parents, our grandparents . . ." If fact,the US Chamber doesn't even represent small business It has catered to large corporations for years.

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