
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mario Piperni dot Com: Ben Nelson is a "Blue Dog" Senator

Mario Piperni dot Com
Ben Nelson (D-NE), the most conservative of the Senate’s 59 Democrats, became the first in his party to say he might side with Republicans on the Bush tax cuts>  He may filibuster a tax bill that allows tax cuts for the rich to expire.

Imagine that…Ben Nelson siding with Republicans . Then explain to the middle class of Nebraska who earn less than $250 thousand a year why you are voiting with Republicans.

Fellow DINO, Joe Lieberman is also opposed to allowing tax cuts for the rich expire. But  "Smokin' Joe" has a more reasonable position on the issue.

Though he insisted this morning that he would do “everything I can to make sure Congress extends the so-called Bush tax cuts for another year,” Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) made clear, however, that he would not block middle-class tax cuts as leverage for passing a fuller package.

Lieberman: To me there’s very broad agreement on middle class tax cuts therefore we ought to get it done, and then we can argue about tax cuts for higher income people.”

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