
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Glen Beck: The end of the republic is near

Glen Beck reveals his worst fear to NewsMax: a “Reichstag moment” Beck believes that an 9/11 type of event may soon take place so that the powers in Washington can end the Republic and our cherished Constitution.

Beck:  "The Key is being turned ... I fear a Reichstag moment, a - God forbid - another 9-11, something that will turn this machine on"

Beck insists he’s not fear mongering. Beck says that he is personally afraid for the United States.

This is interesting because Beck beleives that the US is a republic, not an indirect democracy. Becks' implication is that the Obama government if fascist and will use a 9/11 type of event to create martial law and a dictatorship.

What kind of pills has this delusional demagogue been popping?

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