
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Daily Beast Morning Scoop: Obama Team Skeptical About Middle East Peace Deal

President Obama's Mideast peace talks have brought him some sorely needed positive press-but can they deliver a meaningful deal between Israel and Palestine?

Obama's own team is skeptical, reports The Daily Beast's Richard Wolffe. Even the president told his national security team to scale back their hopes and expectations for the talks; he warned his advisers to not want success more than the parties. Previous presidents were far more confident that they would reach deals before the end of their terms, with Bill Clinton personally negotiating at Camp David with then-leaders Ehud Barak and Yassir Arafat.

Bush left the negotiating to Condoleezza Rice. They both failed, and some say hurt prospects for peace in the process. Obama is taking the middle path
between his two predecessors. So far, relations between Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas have been surprisingly warm, but diplomatic
achievements have been pretty basic.

Rightardia has been skeptical of the peace process between Israel and the PLA because Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu has little respect for the Palestinian people. We think the middle east peace talks are a waste of time with little chance of success. Obama is wasting diplomatic resources on Israeli PM Benjamin  Netanyahu.

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