
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Washington Whispers ( Conservatives Warm to Gingrich for President in 2012

By Paul Bedard Posted: July 14, 2010
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is winning high marks from conservatives and other supporters for taking a low-key approach to his likely 2012 presidential candidacy.

Gingrich, 67, said this week that he is considering a bid and will decide early next year, after testing his political influence in several fall elections.

Associates said that he would get into the GOP primary race if the economy is still sputtering and the public is eager for the type of big ideas he traffics in. "It was a perfectly timed rollout," says one supporter and a conservative with strong ties to House and Senate leaders. A supporter said:

His sense of history informs his bit-by-bit rollout, done carefully so as not to rev the engine too high before this November."

Some worry that Gingrich's past marital issues and other foibles will thwart public support, but supporters believe that a continued poor economy and high joblessness will prompt Americans to look past his personal issues and focus on his ideas to fix the nation's ills in a bipartisan

Also, other supporters say that by talking about a bid now, Democratic opposition research efforts will start now and any new issues in his past will be brought out early.

Rightardia comment: Gingrich has the mentals to be president unlike Sarah Palin, but hie is also a divisive figure who destroyed bipartisanship in the House when he was speaker. 

He also destroyed the House seniority system putting his cronies on key House committees chairs. While he was impeaching Bill Clinton for the Lewinsky affair, he was having his own secret affair and using oral sex to dodge questions about his own adultery. 

Newt also closed down the federal government when he became upset about his seating on Air Force One.

Within months after converting to the Catholic faith, he criticized Obama's moderate stance on abortion when he had a speaking engagement at Notre Dame.

He is the wrong man for the presidency. I would suggest Newt has a lot in common with Richard Nixon and American does not need another Machiavellian or petulant president.

Chris Matthews once opined why newt Gingrich looks like Satan. Think about that for a minute! 

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