
Saturday, July 17, 2010

US News: 10 worst presidents

USN has Herbert Hoover at number 9 tied with Richard Nixon. Hoover led the country into the Great Depresion. Nixon was a rogue president and forced to resign in the Watergate scandal.

Warren G. Harding is number two on the last and has a lot in common with George W. Bush. He was the first of three consecutive GOP presidents who marched the country into the Great Depression. He was an ineffectual and indecisive leader who played poker while his friends plundered the U.S. treasury.

Where is George W. Bush on this list? The recent Sienna pool placed GWB as the fifth worst. CSPAN 2009 had GWB as the 9th worst.  The Times 2008 poll had GWB at the 8th worse. Well, USN is a conservative magazine so it looks like they gave Chimpoleon a break!

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