
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why the Tea Baggers are so mad

 George Bush was having Birthday cake with McCain while Katrina ravaged Louisiana. 
The GOP intervened in a family affair against a husband and the Florida state courts to keep a brain-dead woman on feeding tubes. So much for the party of 'family values."
The GOP intervened against the states when they tried to stop predatory mortgage lending and he changed the rules so that the banks could leverage loans to 40 to 1. 
George W. Bush cut taxes without cutting spending and gave us the worst job growth since WWII. 
President Bush failed to prevent 9/11 and he lied about Iraq and started an expensive, bloody war that had nothing to do with terrorism. Bush started another war in Afghanistan and failed to neutralize Osama Bin
Our troops even had to buy armor on eBay. 
Then the Bush administration gave us the biggest economic crises since the Great Depression and put a lot of people out of work. 
The Republicans bailed out the banks with the poorly thought out TARP. 
Bush left us with a national debt of $12 trillion and a deficit of $1.3 trillion. 
Now the Tea Baggers are really mad and they can't blame Bush too much because they voted for him twice and they obviously can't blame themselves. 
So they have to blame someone else like Obama, who has only been president for 56 weeks.  


From: mg <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics
Subject: The Reason the Tea Baggers Are So Mad
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:09:32 -0600

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