
Friday, April 9, 2010 Who is Alex Sink?

Alex Sink's campaign team switching it up - Florida & Local -
Posted on Friday, 04.09.10

Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau

Trailing in the polls and facing widespread doubts about the visibility and effectiveness of her gubernatorial campaign, Alex Sink is making changes.

The Sink campaign announced its campaign manager, Paul Dunn, has left, along with her finance director -- Sink's third fund raising chief to date. Then senior advisor Ken Morley, hired only weeks earlier to replace another top consultant, suddenly resigned from Sink's campaign too.

``The campaign is making some changes as we head into the summer and fall and will be even stronger as a result,'' Sink campaign spokeswoman Kyra Jennings said.

Jim Cassady, a longtime friend and fellow banker who served as her top aide in the CFO's office, remains the senior manager in her campaign. The campaign also hired as deputy campaign manager Shellie Levin, a friend of Sink's and veteran fundraiser for the liberal group Emily's List, which raises money for women candidates.

Sink did call on Governor Crist to veto Senate Bill 6/House Bill 7189 that passed late last night in the Florida House. This is the first life Rightardia has in this campaign for a while.

"I'm calling on Governor Crist to veto Senate Bill 6 and stand with the people of Florida against this attempt by Tallahassee politicians to take control away from our local schools.  This Tallahassee cram-down is wrong for our children and our state," said Alex Sink.  "Senate Bill 6 is an unfunded mandate, rushed though by politicians who are trying to dictate a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach to our local schools districts, school boards, superintendents, teachers, students and communities."

Much like her husband Bill McBride's general election campaign for governor in 2002, Sink is surrounding herself with trusted friends, who have limited experience running statewide campaigns.

``Change is inevitable in campaigns. This type of change occurs in every campaign, in every cycle,'' said Democratic consultant Screven Watson, who is not working on Sink's campaign.
``Many campaigns that make changes like this end up better for it. The campaign where the change is occurring see it as opportunity. Of course, the opponents always frame it as crisis.''

``You would think that being 15 points down in the polls would cause a liberal candidate to tread more toward the center, but apparently Sink is using the opportunity to further highlight her support from one of the most far left, liberal organizations in the country,'' said state GOP executive director Ronnie Whitaker, referring to Emily's List.
Sink has proven a strong money-raiser and has about $5 million on hand, compared to nearly $4 million for her main Republican rival, attorney general Bill McCollum. But McCollum has outraised her over the past six months and his lead in polls has grown to a current average of 13 percentage points, according to .

Rightardia comment:
Most Floridians don't know what Alex Sink stands for. She did have a booth at the Democratic convention in Orlando, but she did not attend the convention. That was probably a mistake because Alan Grayson was there and he raised more than $1 million on the Friday night before the convention kicked off.  She does have an agenda on her web site: See
She needs a more spirited campaign to win. Florida is in dire straits and and there are plenty of opportunities for Democrats in November. The economy in Florida is awful with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation.

It's time for Alex Sink to stand up and fight the Republicans that have led Florida into an economic morass after 12 years of GOP leadership. Alex Sink needs to get aggressive. She will not win without taking some strong stands on education and the Florida economy. 

Who is Alex Sink? Floridians need to know. 


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