
Monday, April 5, 2010

Huffington Post: RNC Chief Of Staff resigns In wake Of 'Bondage-Gate'

First Posted: 04- 5-10 05:49 PM | Updated: 04- 5-10 06:13 PM
Republican National Committee Chief Of Staff Ken McKay has resigned in the wake of a Bondage-gate scandal that has rocked the RNC.

RNC spokesman Doug Heye told Politico that the staff shift was "about ensuring that we have the tight financial controls in place and to ensure that every nickel we spend is done with the goal of winning in November."

Deputy Chief of Staff Mike Leavitt is expected to replace McKay.

McKay had been drafted into damage control at the RNC in the wake of reports that the committee spent thousands of dollars at a bondage-themed nightclub in Los Angeles. The RNC declined to immediately say if McKay was forced out he is another casualty of the episode.

Bondage-gate led to a spate of embarrassing news stories and sewed doubt among top RNC donors and fund raisers. It also put committee chairman Michael Steele on defense. Earlier today the top RNC fund raiser, Sam Fox, also resigned.

The so-called "Bondage-gate" scandal also cost another staffer, the head of the RNC's Young Eagles program, her job last week.

The RNC melodrama continues.  This may be even a better series than the Wasilla Hilbillies.


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