
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quote of the Month

Sarah Palin: A good political leader doesn't need to know much of anything. God will tell him or her what to do. Just call out to God.  

Rightardia suspects George W. Bush held similar views.  Under George W. Bush, U.S. policies are governed by a strange amalgam of impulse and fantasy.

As Newsweek told us this week, Bush “still trusts his gut to tell him what's right, and he still expects others to follow his lead.”

One might have thought Bush would have learned by now to view the proclamations of his gut with some suspicion—but then, that would be asking the president to rely on evidence and experience to make conclusions.

And it isn’t only friendly reporters like those at Newsweek who have noted the way policy is dictated by The Decider’s intestinal rumblings.

One of the many disturbing pictures that emerges from Ron Suskind’s new book, The One Percent Doctrine, is the way Bush’s preference for making decisions not on the basis of facts and analysis but on his “gut” meshed so perfectly with Dick Cheney’s desire not to let facts and analysis get in the way of his visions of empire.

The Major has worked for conservative morons like George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. Neither wants to be confused by the facts. The is is why Sarah Palin is a very dangerous politician. She has been described as a narcissist which means she is completely unaware of her own limitations.

Palin would pave the road to hell with her Godly intentions.

What if Palin called out to God and Satan answered. Think about it.



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