Posted on | December 6, 2009

Judge Carter’s shameless 180 degrees turn from his assurances at July 13 and September 8 hearings that his court has jurisdiction is not the end, it is only a temporary impediment and fighting it is only one of the first steps in reclaiming America and cleaning up all of this massive corruption and treason. Here are some of the steps I will be taking shortly:
1. On Monday 2 Appellate briefs are going to the 11th circuit court of appeals in GA on 2 cases I handled there
2. Notice of appeal in Carter case will be sent within 1 week.
3. There will be an action in DC
4. there will be a massive campaign under FOIA
5. there will be demonstrations and protests
6. there will be actions in International Courts to expose the violation of Human rights by Obama regime, the tyranny of the Communist Kenyan usurper Barack Hussein Obama and ones who are aiding and abetting him. I retained Mr. Jon Levy, who is licensed in a number of courts, including CA, DC, Great Britain and criminal court of Justice in Hague.
If you want to assist in doc preparations, FOIA mailings, service of process or fundraising, please e-mail me at Let me know how you can help, what is your professional background and in what state are you.
Great thanks to Mr. Frank Mannarino who helped in processing some 230,000 e-mails to get the e-mail addresses, which together with nearly 30,000 addresses of media outlets will make outreach possible. We didn’t process all the e-mails. I still have over 80,000. Frank and my husband worked hard to overcome technical difficulties of mass e-mailing. We should be able to provide reliable mass press releases in the near future.
Rightardia comment: Orly Taitz has lost in three Federal courts and Judge David O. Carter advised her the courts have no jurisdiction to remove a standing president. She did not mention in her post that the State of California is trying to disbar her.
Taitz is trying to use the FOIA request to get information on Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, that would indicate Obama was born outside the US. The FBI indicated it was unable to find any main file records on Ann Dunham or that the FBI can confirm or deny that it had any person on its watch list.
Orly Taitz plans some sort of International Court action. This would have be a new initiative that does not relate to the Birther movement. Rightardia can only imagine someone like Taitz showing up in the Hague with her ludicrous arguments. She will be the laughing stock of Europe.
Eventually the public will tire of her and the Birther movement will backfire on the GOP. Hopefully that time will be sooner than later.
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Oh, it's better than that, the FOIA was to "prove" that the Blessed Orly was on a watch list....'cause that PROVES that she must be close to the truth.
The "proof" alas consists of the standard boilerplate from the FBI that EVERYONE gets that plainly states they will neither confirm or deny if any individual is on said list or lists.
As it happens I personally have profound concerns with said lists and the inability of an individual to challenge...but thats a story for another day.
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I answered you email. The US courts have no authority to remove a standing president. Neil Sankey would have no standing in a US court on this matter. Taitz has dual citizenship and may be linked to government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Of course, the Likud is unhappy it no longer has unequivocal support from the US.
What did Israel expect after the Iraq debacle?
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