
Sunday, November 1, 2009

St. Petersburg Times investigates Scientology

Rightardia has been following the St. Petersburg Times investigations of the Church of Scientology. David Miscavage, the leader of the church was a high school drop-out who appears to be a fanatic. Some former church members have described him as a sociopath.

People who rise in the church may be picked for the ecclesiastical organisation,, that holds the keys to Scientology. Apparently, once you are in, it is hard to leave.  As staff one must agree to let the church read their mail and the church maintains information on their bank accounts and credit cards. You must also sign a billion year contract to join

The article also discussed the mental and physical abuse of members by Miscavage. If a member decides to leave the church, they must go through a debriefing and sign affidavits they will not reveal church secrets or the face "disassociation" from family members and friends who remain in the church.

Apparently the intelligence branch of the church will track down members of the church called runaways, who don't go through the debriefing,  and try to return them to the church. David Miscavage starts his day by asking if anyone has left the church. There was also a story about a runaway being locked up into a Scientology cruise ship.

Nightline also discussed the eccentricities of David Miscavage.  He had a Scientology uniform with captains grade made especially for his Beagle and expected other Scientologists to salute his dog. Miscavage would viciously berate anyone and who failed to salute the dog.

Scientology is a right wing religious organization with its man on the white horse, David Miscavage. With its intelligence organization and numerous members who wear military style uniforms, it is easy to draw parallels to fascist movements in Europe prior to World War 2.

The Church of Scientology would be wise to find a new leader that is more centred and less dictatorial.

Read the complete story at


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