
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films: Remember Single Payer?

Sen. Sanders: One of the reasons that I am a strong proponent of a single-payer, Medicare-for-all proposal is that it is much less complicated than what we are going to end up with in Congress.

A single-payer approach saves hundreds of billions of dollars a year because you don't end up with thousands of different health insurance programs appealing to all different kinds of people and costing a fortune to administer.

I am going to continue the fight for single-payer. I am cautiously optimistic that we may end up with legislation that will allow states to go forward with single-payer if they want to.

Sen Sanders has a point. When HillaryCare went down in flames. many senators suggested extending Medicare to more Americans  would have been easier to sell because Americans are familiar with the program.

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