
Saturday, August 29, 2009

RNC trying to mislead seniors

Republicans are calling for a Seniors’ Health Care Bill Of Rights that will do nothing because the GOP has little power in the House and Senate:
  • PROTECT MEDICARE AND NOT CUT IT IN THE NAME OF HEALTH CARE REFORM: President Obama and Congressional Democrats are promoting a government-run health care experiment that will cut over $500 billion from Medicare to be used to pay for their plan. Medicare should not be raided to pay for another entitlement.
The GOP said the same thing about Medicare and hired Ronald Reagan to oppose it. The Obama administration wants to cut excessive payments to the insurance industry that do not affect Medicare services to seniors.
  • PROHIBIT GOVERNMENT FROM GETTING BETWEEN SENIORS AND THEIR DOCTORS: The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment will give patients less power to control their own medical decisions, and create government boards that would decide what treatments would or wouldn’t be funded. Republicans believe in patient-centered reforms that put the priorities of seniors before government.
The Affordable Health Care Act of 2009 does not affect the Medicare program. This is simply GOP scare tactics.
  • PROHIBIT EFFORTS TO RATION HEALTH CARE BASED ON AGE: The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment would set up a "comparative effectiveness research commission" where health care treatment decisions could be limited based on a patient’s age. Republicans believe that health care decisions are best left up to seniors and their doctors.
Ditto-- The Affordable Health Care Act of 2009 does not affect the Medicare program. This is simply GOP scare tactics.
  • PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM INTERFERING WITH END-OF-LIFE CARE DISCUSSIONS: The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment would have seniors meet with a doctor to discuss end-of-life care that could mean limiting treatment. Republicans believe that government should not interfere with end-of-life care discussions between a patient and a doctor.
George W. Bush has already signed legislation into law that would allow for Medicare end-of-life discussions with seniors. Again, more GOP scare tactics.
  • ENSURE SENIORS CAN KEEP THEIR CURRENT COVERAGE: As Democrats continue to propose steep cuts to Medicare in order to pay for their government-run health care experiment, these cuts threaten millions of seniors with being forced from their current Medicare Advantage plans. Republicans believe that seniors should not be targeted by a government-run health care bill and forced out of their current Medicare coverage.
Double Ditto-- The Affordable Health Care Act of 2009 does not affect the Medicare program. This is simply GOP scare tactics.
  • PROTECT VETERANS BY PRESERVING TRICARE AND OTHER BENEFIT PROGRAMS FOR MILITARY FAMILIES: Democrats recently proposed raising veterans’ costs for the Tricare For Life program that many veterans rely on for treatment. Republicans oppose increasing the burden on our veterans and believe America should honor our promises to them.
The GOP is confused because Tricare for Life simply provides funding to Medicare once a veteran reaches age 65. At age 65 the military retiree becomes a Medicare recipient.

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