
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rightardia editorial: You take the high road and I'll take the low road

The US has a class system and it has been this way for a long time. If you are in the upper middle class or better, you are expected to go to college and pledge to a fraternity or sorority. Going greek is an expensive proposition, but it has many benefits.

There is a social structure with leader such as presidents, vice presidents, secretary-treasurer (the guy who does all the work) and the pledge master who runs the fraternity rite of initiation, Hell Week.

Fraternity members get to meet girls from other well-to-do families that live in sororities. Usually a house mother supervises the kitchen where members get at least two meals a day in the fraternity house.

Fraternities also know what college instructors have the easiest classes and maintain test banks on these instructors so the frat boys and sorority sisters have a big edge during mid-term and final week.

The less affluent students have to live in dorms for one or two years before they are allowed to move off campus assuming they have the finances to pay the rent.

Living in a dorm is a more plebeian life. Sometimes several students will rent an apartment to cut down costs. Leaders also emerge in the dormitories and also run for student office and other elective offices in campus clubs.

Once the students graduate, one might think the playing field would be a little more level. It really isn't. Many of the fraternity men and women will have jobs waiting for them because they are part of a plug-in system that could be described as the 'low road.' Most of the fraternity men will become Republicans and join corporations.

The leaders will become active in the GOP and 'go with the corporate flow.' These people do not make waves. Their job is maintain the status quo. It is very comfortable and simple life. The pay and perks of the plug-in Republicans are excellent.

Carl Icahn even noted why he is able to take over most of his corporate targets. Icahn laid out his view of a typical CEO's ascendancy in the corporation:

The future CEO is similar to the president of a college fraternity -- a likeable fellow who is politically astute, but unlikely to take bold actions. The CEO is a survivor who is able to rise through the ranks at a corporation by never offending anyone, even if that comes at a cost to shareholders.

Because they are not the type to rock the boat, rising CEOs are selected and groomed by incumbent CEOs who do not perceive them as a threat. "You have survival of the unfittest," said Icahn.

The Democrat leaders have a much harder road to to hoe. Barack Obama was a distinguished Harvard gradate who could have easily become a plug-in Republican.

Instead he chose to become a community organizer and moved to Chicago to rub elbows with low income people who lived in the 'projects.' His life was harder and the pay was low.

But he gained the organization skills needed to run one of the most effective presidential campaigns in this nations history. A person like Obama who had more humble beginnings has a better understanding of middle class and low income people. Obama took the harder high road to get where he is.

It is easy to contrast Obama with a 'low roader' like George W. Bush who was born with a sliver spoon in his mouth. Bush had virtually no rapport for the poor or other low income Americans. Within days after the Supreme Court installed Bush as president, he indicated his base was the 'have mores' during an inauguration ball.

Of course, some politicians try to walk down the 'middle road' there are moderate Republicans like Olympia Snow and Susan Collins. There are also the Blue dog Democrats.

This would work for the Democrats if there was a stronger middle in the GOP. However, six of 10 Republicans wants the party to move to the right.

Republicans in both the House and Senate have stonewalled most Democratic legislation.

American needs change. Waves need to be made. Clearly the GOP is uncomfortable with change because they are low roaders who been paid and bought by the corporations. This must be a very tumultuous time for them.

You can tell they have been backed into a corner. Lobbyists have been forging documents and we are also hearing the low roaders tell us the bold faced lie that the US has the best medical care in the world.

Then why is our medical system rated dead last in the 23 industrial nations of the world by the World Health Organization?

America is now on the high road with its new Democratic leadership. When this nation is in crises, high road Democrats are almost always elected.


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Unknown said...

A> fucking brilliant. Luv Carl Icahn's secret tips - know the frat boy!\

B> "bald-faced lie".

Unknown said...

It's clear your writing skills are limited, Philip.

Carl Icahn has taken a lot of these 'frat boy' CEOs down so I think he knows what he is talking about.

These 'plug-in' CEOs that are making 300 times what the average worker makes didn't found companies. They weren't picked because they were great innovators. They were picked because they kiss ass and don't make waves like a good Republican.

Unknown said...

do you want me to comment or not?

Unknown said...

Go right ahead, Philip. Try to use some facts rather than opinion next time. I have lived in a fraternity, have you?

Unknown said...

I can't figure out what you think I said. I said you were accurate that Icahn knows how frat boys (don't) think, and uses that in his takeovers. What did you think I said?

Unknown said...

Sorry, I think I misunderstood what you were saying.

My apologies.