
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rachel Maddow: GI Bill for the 21st Century

You can get more information on the Post-9/11 GI Bill on the Army's website, and check out a guest blog post from Staff Sergeant Jim Miller.

At George Mason University today, the President explained why the Post-9/11 GI Bill is so critical to our country. "We do this not just to meet our moral obligation to those who have sacrificed greatly on behalf of our country. We do it because these men and women must now be prepared to lead our nation in the peaceful pursuit of economic leadership in the 21st century."
This is a particularly important issue for the President, who was a co-sponsor of the Post-9/11 GI Bill while in the Senate. Now, he is dedicated to seeing the bill successfully implemented as President.

Today’s event marked the launch of the bill; the Department of Veterans Affairs began distributing tuition payments to schools participating in the program on August 1. The bill provides comprehensive education benefits to our veterans, and assures people like Staff Sergeant Jim Miller, who introduced the President, are able to go to school after their service. In his remarks, the President praised our veterans for their great sacrifices:

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