
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bill Clinton calls for contributions to the DCCC

From: President Bill Clinton
Sent: Monday, August 3rd, 2009 11:02am
Subject: 1993

Friend --

It seems like the 1993 health care debate all over again. Back then, I led the charge for comprehensive health insurance reform. I fought tooth and nail to get it done, keenly aware that millions of Americans were living in fear that a serious illness or injury could spell economic disaster for their families. Americans needed health care reform then and we urgently need it now.

But, just as I did in 1993, President Obama has run into a buzz saw of special interest opposition to his top domestic policy priority -- health care reform. He is facing off against some of the most powerful special interests in Washington who've launched a furious campaign to preserve the status quo.

Simply put, they're at it again. That's why I'm calling on you to stand with President Obama and the DCCC in fighting for change right now. The DCCC is united in their Health Care Reform Now campaign and is trying to raise $250,000 in grassroots donations before their deadline at midnight tonight.

Deadline: Midnight Tonight

Contribute $35, $50 or more tonight before our deadline at MIDNIGHT and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Legislation that would lower health care costs for everyone, improve the quality of care, preserve choice and provide more coverage options for American families was introduced in the House last month - just as Speaker Pelosi promised.

But a U.S. health care system that makes quality care affordable for everyone is going to take a lot of hard work from all of us.

Your immediate response is essential because Republicans are waging a fierce assault on President Obama's health care initiative and on Democratic Members of Congress fighting to reform health care now.

Contribute $35, $50 or more tonight before our deadline at MIDNIGHT and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Republicans have made a political calculation that they'd rather attack Congressional Democrats with sound bites and misleading characterizations of the President's health care reform plan than work on behalf of the American people.

It's up to us to prevent the Republican Party and their special interest backers from doing whatever they can to prevent this historic opportunity to make quality health care affordable and accessible to all.

Please make your next contribution to the DCCC a generous one...and please be sure to give before midnight tonight.

Thank you,
Bill Clinton

Watch DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen discuss health care on MSNBC's Countdown With Keith Olbermann with guest host Howard Dean:

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