
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cheney: Justice review of interrogation methods is political

(CNN) -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney said in an interview broadcast Sunday that the Justice Department's decision to review waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques is politically motivated. Former Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the review of interrogation methods.

Cheney also criticized the review of interrogation methods that violate the Geneva Conventions.

Cheney said he opposes the decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to ask a former prosecutor to review CIA interrogations of high-profile terrorism suspects.

Cheney made clear he believes President Obama directed Holder to launch the review because the president is feeling pressure from left-wing Democrats. There has also been an outcry from the UN and US allies about 'US enhanced interrogation techniques.'

Cheney said the review will undermine the willingness of CIA personnel to conduct necessary operations. Cheney comments are dated because the interrogation function is being removed from the CIA.

"I think it's a terrible decision," Cheney said on "Fox News Sunday." "It's clearly a political move. There's no other rationale for why they're doing this."

Actually Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader has been calling for Truth Commission on torture since the new Senate convened. Someone needs to be held accountable for the crimes the Bush administration authorized after the Iraq War started.

John McCain disagrees with Cheney. He wants the investigation swept under the rug with assurances that the US will never do this again, but he clearly recognizes th torture did tremendous damage to the US. See McCain's comments in the video that follows.

Cheney criticized Obama for allowing a review considering the president previously said that CIA operatives involved in the interrogations would not be prosecuted. "I think he's trying to duck responsibility for what's going on here, and I think it's wrong," Cheney said.

Holder has said the Justice Department would not prosecute intelligence officers that followed legal guidance from the administration "in good faith."

It is possible that White House attorney John Yoo could be disbarred as a consequence of the investigation. Vice President Cheney could also be charged with crimes against humanity because he was constantly calling for more severe integration of prisoners.


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