
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Auto dealers indicate many "Cash for Clunkers' cars are not road worthy

When Jeb Bush was elected Florida governor, he rescinded the vehicle inspection law and another law that required motorcycle bikers to wear helmets. 

The helmet law changed increased  biker fatalities by 300 per cent. Auto dealers have also indicated that a lot of the vehicles being turned in under 'Cash for Clunkers' are not road worthy.

Auto dealers are indicating that many of the cars turned in for "cash for Clunkers' rebates are not road worthy. Many of the cars had been in accidents and doors and windows would not open. Others had head lights that did not work. Many had been turned in with donut spare tires installed that are not meant to be driven long distances. The CARS Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) not only removed gas guzzlers form the road, it also removed many unsafe vehicles. 

Bob McCosh, of Bob McCosh Chevrolet in Columbia, MO, said the program has not only stimulated business but is helping create a safer driving environment for motorists.

“It’s taking older vehicles that aren’t necessarily safe off the road, and putting safer, more fuel-efficient vehicles on the road,” McCosh said. “It’s a good deal on both sides.”

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