
Monday, July 13, 2009

Satire: Papacy decrees Divine Right of Popes

(Rome) The Vatican announced today a new Roman Catholic doctrine entitled the Divine Right of Popes. The Divine Right of Popes is a political and religious doctrine of royal absolutism. It asserts that a pope is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God.

The Pope is thus not subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm, including the church. The doctrine implies that any attempt to depose the pope or to restrict his powers runs contrary to the will of God and may constitute heresy.

The origins of the theory are rooted in the medieval idea that God had bestowed spiritual power and authority to the church, centering on the pope. The author of the theory was Jean Bodin, a French jurist and political philosopher.

Because the Pope is now considered divine, the Trinity has been revised to become Quadity. The church now recognizes the Father, the Son the Holy Ghost and the Pope.

His Holiness Pope Benedict the XVI explained it this way. In the past when a Roman Catholic went to communion, he would use the parish priest as a vessel to speak directly to God. This always bothered popes because they weren’t in the loop. With the Quadity, a Roman Catholic will use the priest as a vessel to relay the prayers to the Pope. "I will then talk directly to God for all Roman Catholics," said Pope Benedict XVI. "
God listens when I talk."

According to the Times of London, many clerics in the Vatican were not surprised of this change. In the hushed Apostolic Palace off St Peter’s Square, Pope Benedict XVI starts the day with an early mass in his private chapel, followed by a lone breakfast. No press summary is brought to him. He meets a few visitors in the morning and then, after a lunch served on gold-rimmed plates bearing his seal, he retires to his study.

The Pope’s daily routine, as described by Vatican insiders, is being blamed for a series of blunders that have prompted a show of dissent from cardinals. Critics claim he is leading the church and its 1.2 billion faithful like a monarch cut off from the world outside his palace windows, helped only by loyal but inept advisers.

“People feel disoriented,” a senior Vatican official confided last week. Our impression is His Holiness, affectionately known as Pope Bennie the Rat, is not at the wheel.”

The pontiff has provoked outrage and a rebuke from German chancellor, Angela Merkel, by revoking the excommunication of four breakaway bishops.

Benedict then named Father Gerhard Maria Wagner as the Bishop of Linz, in Austria. Wagner had preached that Hurricane Katrina was retribution for the activities of abortionists, prostitutes and homosexuals in New Orleans.

For many inside the Vatican, the issue is the Pope’s style of leadership. “People feel that the Pope is governing like a monarch. He has isolated himself by ignoring advice which could stop him making mistakes,” said a leading Vatican analyst. “He can get away with this now that he is divine.”

Many of these problems can be traced to Pope John Paul II who surrounded himself with conservative sycophantic clerics and only promoted conservatives to cardinals and bishops.

Benedict offended Muslims with a 2006 speech quoting a Byzantine emperor who described the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings as “evil and inhuman”. He upset Israel and Jews by saying he wanted to make a saint of Pope Pius XII, despite criticism that Pius had failed to speak out against the Holocaust during the Second World War.

“Even in the Vatican you can’t just rely on the Holy Spirit,” said Zizola. “I
guess we will just have to wait for the old geezer to fade away.”

source: Wikipedia

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