
Monday, July 13, 2009

Limbaugh is upset that Obama complimented the Chinese

Editor's Note: The truth is you could go to Europe and make the same observations about the US being second rate. Starting with Ronald Reagan, the US stopped investing in the infrastructure and spent hundreds of billions of defense instead. Our roads, bridges and levees are sadly in need or repair. We have few large public works projects anymore beside the construction of football stadiums. One stadium in Texas will cost $1 billion. America can do better than this.

RUSH: Here is Obama after the cameras had shut down.

OBAMA: Everybody's watching what's going on in Beijing right now in the Olympics. Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their train systems, their airports are all vastly superior to us now, which means if you're a corporation deciding where to do business, you're starting to think Beijing looks like a pretty good option.

Rightardia: Most of the US manufacturing is already in Asia. Seventy per cent of Wal-Mart's goods are made in China.

RUSH: There he goes again running down the United States. Do you know the United States of America's economy is more than that of Germany and Japan combined, but here he is, infrastructure, they're doing it right, the communists, ladies and gentlemen, the communists are doing better than we are at infrastructure, airports, train systems, sports, and if you're an American corporation, why, it makes sense to go over there. . .

Rightardia: Perhaps the Chinese aren't as greedy as the Republicans who prefer tax breaks to public works. The Chinese just built the biggest dam in the world and are building the largest shipyard. The size of an economy is one factor. The UN uses the Human Development Index (HDI). HDI uses GDP as a part of its calculation and then factors in indicators of life expectancy and education levels.

American companies have already off shored most of their manufacturing to Asia.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, this is breathtakingly politically stupid. I don't care how hateful you are of America, there are just certain things that you're not going to be able to pass off to people. China, a better place to live than the United States of America? Well, maybe if you don't mind pollution controls that don't exist. . .

Rightardia: Obama never said China is a better place to live. Limbaugh is comparing apples to oranges again. The US is a First World country. China is an emerging Third World country.

RUSH: Now, the Anointed One has said a lot of stupid things recently, but the idea that totalitarian eye candy engineering proves that Beijing is better than America is near the top of the list.

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