
Monday, July 13, 2009

Democrats are analogue: Republicans are digital

In this modern age, you would think digital might have an advantage, but it doesn't. Life on Earth has been developing for at least 500 million years and humans have complex nervous system that can handle very discrete stimuli. For Example the human eye can distinguish 100 different shades of gray. The visual acuity of the human eye is approximately 74 mega pixels, well beyond what any digital camera can produce.

In the early days of computers, language based on decimal 10 were tried, but the processing was incredibly slow. That is why the binary system was developed so PC would be able to process data. In binary language all data is either a one or a zero. The signal is either on or off. Programmers had to keep it simple, because computers are stupid. But they are also incredibly fast.

Republicans are digital because they see the world in black or white. White people are OK, but blacks or browns are suspect. The Christian religion is good, but Islam is bad. Defense is good but improving the civil infrastructure is bad. “Opposite marriage' is good, but gay and lesbian marriage is bad. Free enterprise is good, but the government is bad. And so forth and so on.

Democrats see the world with more shades of gray rather than 'my way' or the highway.' Democrats prefer compromise to continuous conflict. Democrats have a more enlightened view of the world and that is why many are called progressive or liberals.

The Republicans see the world as a nasty place in which enemies are lurking everywhere. Right wing Republicans are authoritarian and Howard Dean has written articles that indicate that modern GOP morphed into simple authoritarianism from the Goldwater conservatism of the past.

Republicans simply cannot tolerate ambiguity. It either right or wrong. Because of the anti-intellectualism that permeates the far right, a demagogue has risen named Rush Limbaugh. Rush is rarely concerned about facts or scholarship because he only lasted two quarters in college and flunked every course he took even ballroom dancing.

Unfortunately, there are lot of ditto heads that believe every misstatement that Rush makes and 'don't want to be fooled by the facts.' When you are a 'digital Republican' the world is a much simpler place.

Want to PO a Republican? Respond to their misstatements with facts from Wikipedia.

If you can see the shades of gray, congratulations. You have the heart and soul of a Democrat.

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